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Android Tutorials

Here are some of my Android Tutorials

APK Library Adding

In this tutorial, I will show you how to add armeabi-v7a libraries to an arm64-v8a APK to make it work on both devices.


  1. 7-Zip Installed
  2. Signing Tools.
  3. APK where to add the libraries (amr64-v8a one)
  4. APK where from you get the required libraries (armeabi-v7a one)

How the folder looks like before starting

1. Extract the needed libraries

1.1 Open the armeabi-v7a APK

Right click -> 7-Zip -> Open Open with 7-Zip

1.2 Go to the lib -folder

Change to lib folder

1.3 Extract the folder

Drag the armeabi-v7a out Extract the armeabi folder

2. Add them to the another APK

2.1 Add the folder

Open arm64-v8a APK with Z-7ip and drag the armeabi-v7a folder in the lib -folder

Answer yes to the confirm prompt Add the libraries

2.2 How it will look like when done

Final look

3. Sign the APK

Now we need to re-sign the APK because we modified it. It won’t install unless we do this.

3.1 Signing

Double click the sign_improved.bat and select the correct APK number.

Wait for it to finish and you are DONE! Signing the APK